Storm season and how to get your trees prepared

Storm season and how to get your trees prepared

Storm season can be a scary time, especially if you’re unsure whether your trees can withstand the strong winds and heavy rains that come with it. Preparing your trees for storm season can be a daunting task, but it’s necessary to ensure the safety of both your home and the property around it. Here are some tips to help you get started.
1. Identify Potential Hazards
Before you start any tree preparation, it’s important to identify any potential hazards your trees may pose. This could include dead or decaying limbs, trees that are leaning towards your home, or trees that appear to be diseased. By identifying the hazards, you’ll be able to take necessary measures to prevent them from causing damage during a storm.

2. Trim Your Trees
One of the best things you can do to prepare your trees for storm season is to have them trimmed. Trimming your trees helps to remove any dead or decaying limbs, as well as thinning out the canopy to reduce wind resistance. It’s important to have your trees trimmed by a professional arborist, who has the experience and equipment needed to ensure the safety of both you and your trees.

3. Mulch Your Trees
Adding mulch around the base of your trees can be extremely beneficial when it comes to storm preparation. A layer of mulch helps to retain moisture, which can be important during dry spells. It also provides an extra layer of protection to the tree’s roots, which can help keep the tree anchored during high winds.

4. Water Your Trees
Making sure your trees are well-hydrated is key to preparing them for a storm. During dry spells, make sure to water your trees enough to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. This will help ensure that your trees are strong enough to withstand high winds without toppling over.

5. Consult an Arborist
If you’re unsure whether your trees are prepared for storm season, it’s always a good idea to consult with a professional arborist. They’ll be able to assess the health and safety of your trees, and recommend any necessary measures to ensure they’re ready for whatever the storm season may bring.

Storm season can be a scary time, but with the right preparation, you can help ensure that your trees are safe and secure. By identifying potential hazards, trimming your trees, adding mulch, watering regularly, and consulting with a professional arborist, you can give your trees the best chance of making it through storm season unscathed. Remember, it’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to preparing your trees for a storm so give us a call on 0450 072 628.

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