
Palm Trees are a popular choice for their fast growth and excellent shade. They thrive in our sub-tropic climate with minimal upkeep. However, if not maintained, they can become messy, attracting unwanted creatures with their fallen fronds and seed pods. 

To keep your palms looking their best, they should be cleaned twice a year, in winter and early summer. For long-lasting results, consider hiring an arborist from Global Tree Works to address any palm seed formations. Since palm trees can grow extremely tall, removing hanging fronds, seed pods, and fruit can be challenging. 

For your safety, it’s best to rely on a qualified Arborist who has the specialized equipment to climb palm trees safely. Our palm cleaning and maintenance service ensure that the right measures and techniques are employed to preserve the beautiful appearance of your palms.


Palm Tree Removal

There are many reasons palm trees may require removal

  • Diseased or damaged
  • They may have outgrown the surrounding area
  • Roots can cause damage to nearby structures and underground services

Trust Global Tree Works for safe and efficient palm tree removal. Our skilled climbers will carefully dismantle them, ensuring no harm comes to your property. And with our stump grinding service, you can fully eliminate the trees, giving you the freedom to replant or reclaim your garden. 

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