Formative Pruning

Formative Pruning

Branches or excessive growth can pose a risk to nearby assets or structures such as other trees, and sometimes it can be hard to imagine a solution aside from removal. Formative pruning is a practice implemented when working with young or immature trees to ensure they grow in a desirable direction and shape. It involves pruning and cutting back growth on the tree while it is young, to give the tree an overall shape that it will generally maintain as it grows and matures. It’s a bit like how Japanese bonsai is done, but less extreme.

Formative pruning generally doesn’t result in any long-term damage to your tree, as the parts of the tree that are being removed are not intended to grow back. The parts of the tree that fall within the desired shape and growth pattern remain untouched and healthy, meanwhile the undesired growth is removed in the least destructive way possible 


Weight reduction and dead wooding

We also offer tree trimming services designed to ensure the ongoing health of your trees. We can accomplish this by removing dead branches and ensuring that the tree isn’t holding an unsafe amount of weight for its size. These services are more appropriate for older and more mature trees, as younger trees generally don’t have many dead branches or much in the way of excess growth so you would not normally ask to dead wood a young tree. You would more be looking at formative pruning to help guide the young tree into the desired shape/direction.


Speciality pruning

Speciality pruning covers everything out of the normal when it comes to tree pruning. Whether you are dealing with trees that are of the exotic and unusual variety. Specialty pruning is an umbrella term for a huge range of different services depending on the desired outcome. If you’re interested in our specialty pruning services, we recommend giving us a call so we can have a chat and get an understanding of what you’re after so we can assist the best way possible

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